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Crores Planners Course (CPC)


  • You will attend 2 LIVE SESSIONS. The details will be shared via WhatsApp / group

  • There are BONUS 4 prerecorded videos, which are PASSWORD protected

  • You will receive the LEVEL 1 PASSWORD in your WhatsApp / group

  • Find the link to a QUIZ below the video of each level.

  • Submit the quiz to get the PASSWORD for the next level and a link to the BOOKLET pertaining to that level.

Live Session 1: Q&A

How to protect your hard earned money - that can help you create lakhs and crores - from getting wasted through inferior investments.


The Date & Time along with the meeting link will be shared in your WhatsApp group

Live Session 2: Masterclass

How to achieve seemingly impossible financial goals without prior financial knowledge.

  • 5 steps to financial freedom

  • How much money you need for retirement

  • What you should know to select the right investments


The Date & Time along with the meeting link will be shared in your WhatsApp group

What Our Participants Speak About

Prerecorded Videos

Level 1: Compounding Using Spreadsheet

How to use a spreadsheet to calculate the amount after investing a lumpsum for 'n' years in your mobile without prior knowledge on spreadsheets. (23 minute video + Quiz)


Password will be available in WhatsApp group

Level 2: Future Value of Annuity (SIP)

How much a monthly investment of Rs 'x' will grow up to after 'n' years - calculate in seconds without understanding mathematics. (31 minute video + Quiz)


Submit the Level 1 Quiz to see the password

Level 3: Return On Investment (ROI) Estimation

How to calculate percentage returns from systematic & any investment and compare with others without prior knowledge of finance. (29 minute video + Quiz)


Submit the Level 2 Quiz to see the password

Level 4: Mutual Fund Return Optimisation

How to invest in mutual funds and switch between different types to optimize return even if you don't understand alphas and betas of investment. (28 minute video + Quiz)


Submit the Level 3 Quiz to see the password

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