Your achievement is ours
Crores Planners Course (CPC)
You will attend 2 LIVE SESSIONS. The details will be shared via WhatsApp / group
There are BONUS 4 prerecorded videos, which are PASSWORD protected
You will receive the LEVEL 1 PASSWORD in your WhatsApp / group
Find the link to a QUIZ below the video of each level.
Submit the quiz to get the PASSWORD for the next level and a link to the BOOKLET pertaining to that level.
Live Session 1: Q&A
How to protect your hard earned money - that can help you create lakhs and crores - from getting wasted through inferior investments.
The Date & Time along with the meeting link will be shared in your WhatsApp group
Live Session 2: Masterclass
How to achieve seemingly impossible financial goals without prior financial knowledge.
5 steps to financial freedom
How much money you need for retirement
What you should know to select the right investments
The Date & Time along with the meeting link will be shared in your WhatsApp group